Authentic Marketing

Business Coaching & Copywriting

Authentic Marketing

Business Coaching & Copywriting

Tap into this energy...

  • Less doubt
  • Less people-pleasing
  • Less hustle
  • Less hiding
  • Less lack
  • More confidence
  • More assertiveness
  • More ease
  • More visibility
  • More wealth

This is just the beginning.

You get to have the pleasure and play, income and impact that you desire. And I’m here to support you in having all of this and more.

Get support to take your biz to the next level.

I weave together my coaching skills with over 15 years of successful marketing and copywriting expertise to help entrepreneurs and businesses ignite more sales and increase their impact. My clients come away with language that’s authentic, engaging, and incredibly effective.

There are several different options for how to work together:

Work With Me 1:1

Power Hour

60 minutes of hands-on guidance tailored to you.

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Ignite More Sales VIP Day

Upgrade your sales page & launch strategy to ignite more sales with your next launch.

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Ongoing Monthly Coaching

Regular sessions for building and keeping momentum.

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Other Possibilities

Copywriting Done-For-You

Enjoy repeatable $6- & $7-figure launches with copy done-for-you.

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Magnetize to Monetize Sales Page DIY Course

Get my step-by-step repeatable & proven sales page system.

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Power Hour

60-minute of hands-on guidance tailored to you.

A Power Hour with me is a great way to get support with your biggest, most pressing questions related to your marketing, messaging, copywriting or mindset. Here are some examples of priorities you might bring to a Power Hour:

  • Your sales page isn’t converting the way you’d like it to be and you’d like my expert diagnostic on what’s not working and what to do instead to ensure you hear more YESES next time you launch.
  • You want my input on your launch / marketing strategy to ensure you’re streamlining it (to save time and energy) and not leaving money on the table.
  • You’d like to create a marketing plan to bring in revenue quickly and sustainably, in soul-aligned ways, in the next 30+ days. 
  • You’re feeling stuck with where to go next with your life and/or business and want support hearing and seeing what it is your own inner guidance knows about this.

A Power Hour includes: 

  • 60-minute live zoom session
  • Recording of the session
  • Identification of clear next steps
Book A Power Hour
Megan Testimonials

We had a 62% increase in sales!

We were ready to nail our annual launch and knew from previous launches that our copy wasn’t compelling action, so we hired Megan to write copy for us. Megan helped us capture attention and connect with more women in our community with her compelling headlines and emails targeted to each of our niches. She also supported us in leveraging our JV relationships. With Megan’s support, we nailed our launch and had a 62% increase in sales from the year before! Working with Megan was absolutely worth the investment. Her listening, leadership and enthusiasm contributed so much to our launch. I highly recommend her. If you’re looking to uplevel your launch, enlist Megan’s genius.

Dr. Saida DĂ©silets
Author of Desire & Advocate for Women's Sexual Sovereignty


“Ignite More Sales” Copywriting VIP Day

Upgrade your sales page & launch strategy to ignite more sales with your next launch.

A VIP Day is for you if:
You struggle with any of this…
  • You’re frustrated that your sales page isn't converting & you don’t know why. You’re not making the money you know you could be.
  • You’re overwhelmed with writing everything. You don’t know what to include & where to start.
  • You’re confused & uncertain how to speak to the clients you really want to work with.
  • You dread spending hours on your own writing copy that might not even convert.
  • You’re afraid of sounding salesy.
  • You’re tired just thinking about launching.

You want to experience this instead...

  • You feel great! Your copy is converting & you’re making the money & the impact you desire.
  • You’re clear & relaxed & know exactly what to do & how to do it to set yourself up for success.
  • Your message is dialed in & attracting the exact kinds of clients you want to work with.
  • You had fun getting your copy written (for you) & are surprised by how much got written in such a short period of time.
  • You smile every time you read your sales page. It’s both authentic (it really sounds like you!) & lucrative.
  • You’re energized, focused & enthusiastic about your upcoming launch. 

Ready to rock-n-roll?

Get Your VIP Day

Would you like to chat first to explore if the VIP Day is for you?

Click the button below to book a free “Ignite More Sales” Consultation.

Book A Consult
Megan Testimonials

Megan can help you rock your business with authentic and lucrative copy!

Megan’s copywriting support has been an essential ingredient to our success. She has contributed to all of our $6 & $7-figure launches over the past few years. Megan has a gift for bringing forth the true message of your business and your heart, and helping you communicate this in a way that shows your ideal clients how they can benefit from your greatest gifts, which is a win-win for everyone. She can help you rock your business with authentic and lucrative copy!

Sage Lavine
CEO, Women Rocking Business


Ongoing Monthly Coaching

Regular sessions for building and keeping momentum.

Use ongoing monthly coaching with me to get support with your biggest priorities. Here are some examples of how you might use our time together:

  • You have a launch coming up and want support with writing or upleveling all of your marketing materials and creating/upgrading your launch strategy to ensure you’re set up for ĂĽber success, and can make the impact and the income you know is possible.
  • You don’t have a launch coming up yet desire ongoing support with finding your voice, claiming your value and being more visible.
  • You and your business are going through a massive shapeshifting and you desire support, accountability and clarity to navigate this fertile time with confidence, fun and way more ease.
  • You have a big dream for yourself and your business and you desire ongoing support to turn your dream into reality. 
  • You desire support with trusting your inner knowing and being in action with your own guidance.

With the Ongoing Monthly Coaching Package, we meet for 60-minutes, twice a month for a minimum of 3 months. The package includes recordings of our sessions, as well as email support in between sessions.

Would you like to explore if we’re a match to work together?

Click the button below to schedule a Free “Magnetize to Monetize” 30-Minute Consultation.

Book A Consult
Megan Testimonials

We had a 6-figure launch! And we're just getting started...

I was referred to Megan to have her write copy for the rebrand of my website. I was concerned about the investment and whether Megan would be able to capture the soulful nature of my work with her words. As it turns out, I didn't need to be concerned! Megan really did get me and that was so refreshing. She saw the richness in my message and wanted everything that's associated with it to emulate that quality. Megan also helped me create a brand new course that was offered to The Shift Network’s community of over 600K people. We celebrated a 6-figure launch with this first course and impacted hundreds of lives. I’ve already received my return on investment - and then some! And we’re just getting started!

Bernadette Pleasant
Founder, The Emotional Institute


Copywriting Done-For-You

Enjoy repeatable $6- & $7-figure launches with copy done-for-you.

My copywriting done-for-you services are a great match for you if:

  • You want to scale to $6- or multiple $7-figures.
  • You want to increase conversion on a program you offer repeatedly.
  • You have a launch coming up & want the sales page & other promo materials written or upleveled for you, while ensuring it’s both authentic & lucrative.
  • You see the value of investing $4-5-figures in my services, knowing the potential ROI is off the charts.

If you’re interested in getting my support with copywriting, click the button below to book a call.

We’ll talk about you, your launch and your targets. Together, we’ll explore if we’re a match, and if so, design a package that sets you up for mega success.


Book A Consult
Megan Testimonials

We served hundreds of people and made multiple 6-figures.

Not only does Megan have a gift for putting words to the unique value I provide my clients, she was also quickly able to assess our strategy and provide suggestions that allowed us to reach more people, increase our profits and make a bigger difference. I’m so grateful.

Muneeza Ahmed
Intuitive Medicine Woman™


Magnetize to Monetize Sales Page DIY Course

Get my step-by-step repeatable & proven sales page system.

If you want the simple and effective heart-based strategies that have helped hundreds of coaches and holistic practitioners attract more clients and make more money doing what they love, my DIY Course might be just what you’ve been looking for.

Click the button below to get more details and scoop up this heart-based money-making system. 

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Megan Testimonials

Megan will find a way to express your voice as if she had a pipeline into your soul.

Co-creating with Megan was not only a lot of fun and very fulfilling, she helped me see my program from a more reproducible framework that I can leverage. In working with her I discovered a much deeper level of clarity and confidence in the power of my program. I am so happy I chose to work with Megan. I love the web copy she has provided and as a result of our rich conversations I’ve created three totally new products. If you are looking for a copywriter who has the imagination, laser clarity and phenomenal facility to create captivating web copy, contact Megan. You will not only find a gem of a woman, but a highly talented, sensitive writer who will find a way to express your voice as if she had a pipeline into your soul.

Wendy Terriff
Women’s Wealth Coach

Which inner critic is killing your confidence?
Take the Negative Narrator Quiz to find out. 

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