
Meet Megan


Meet Megan

Hi! I’m Megan Walrod,

Founder of Live Your Yes, LLC, author, women's empowerment coach and lover of mermaids.

I’ve had a passion (and what some might call an obsession) with words since I was a young girl. I was enthralled with how I could create magical stories by putting words together on a page. I was creating new realities, all with my words and imagination!

As a Women's Empowerment Coach, I support women to “author their lives” and create audacious, authentic lives that light them up. How? By changing the WORDS and STORIES they tell themselves about themselves to be more empowering and uplifting.

I’m dedicated to helping women break free from codependent patterns and cultural conditioning so they can follow their hearts and prioritize their dreams. My passion for this work stems from my own experience with overcoming codependency and people-pleasing. 

My personal journey inspired the “Live Your Yes” philosophy, which comes from my deep knowing that when women become the creators of their lives and prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic and create greater success and fulfillment in all areas of their lives.

Currently, I'm on a cross-country pilgrimage, visiting some of my favorite people and places until I begin the next chapter of my life adventure: heading to Bali for an extended digital nomad adventure!

10 Things

You Might Not Know About Me

1. I wrote a novel!

I recently returned to my early childhood passion of writing fiction and completed my first novel, It's Always Been Me. My book and I are on a mission to inspire more women to become the heroines of their lives. Find out more about my novel and join my author community here.

2. I had a thing for graduate school.

I have 2 Master’s Degrees: one in Organization Development, from Bowling Green State University, and one in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, from Naropa University. My love of learning and growing is surpassed only by my love of words, and using them to inspire and empower.

3. I love to journal.

The blank page is a place I return to again and again to hear myself and tap into my own guidance and council. 

4. I have 3 tattoos.

A sun on my left ankle to celebrate my Leo nature, a spiral on my lower back to honor the ever-unfolding nature of life, and a heart with wings on the back of my neck, as a reminder to speak from my heart, which gives my voice wings. 

5. I followed a soul calling to Uganda.

After my mom died in 2016, I was called to do something very different with my life: I lived in Uganda for 6 months and volunteered with a non-profit that educates and empowers adolescent girls. We wrote a book together called, We Have Something To Say: True Stories From Adolescent Girls Growing Up In The Slums Of Kampala. You can pick up your own copy here. (All proceeds go to the nonprofit, Girl Up Initiative Uganda.)

6. I turned a trigger into an editor's pick.

In addition to the book I co-wrote with the non-profit, I’ve contributed chapters to two compilation books, The Energy of Healing and The Energy of Creativity. I also wrote a cathartic piece about an ex-boyfriend that became an editor’s pick in the elephant journal. You can read, “How to Stop Spewing Your Past All Over Your Present,” here.

7. I ate grasshoppers.

One of the weirdest yet surprisingly delicious snacks I’ve ever eaten: roasted grasshoppers. (A Ugandan delicacy!)

8. I fell in love with a horse, then fell off him.

In May, 2021, I fell off a horse and fractured two vertebrae. I shared the story of the fall at a Story Slam in Boulder, Colorado. You can watch the video here.

9. I'm a hedonist.

I love walking barefoot on the beach, feeling the warm sand beneath me and the cold waves splashing at my ankles. I love the vanilla scent of tree bark on a hot summer day. I love skinny dipping, feeling the water like velvet on my skin. I love the sweet tartness of the first ripe raspberry of the season. I love singing, loudly, and solo dance parties, anywhere, anytime. I love being in a body that's capable of so much pleasure.

Which inner critic is killing your confidence?
Take the Negative Narrator Quiz to find out. 

"Yes please!"